godišnji odmori

godišnji odmori: HR strategije za izbjegavanje pravnih zamki

Godišnji odmori: HR strategije za izbjegavanje pravnih zamki Managing annual holidays for employees is one of the critical yet challenging responsibilities for human resource officers. Croatian Labour law [radno pravo] is a very important area and to avoid expensive legal troubles HR teams have to be very clear regarding many aspects such as labor laws, […]

Nudim posao'

Nudim posao’: znajte važnost brendiranja poslodavca

Nudim posao. Važnost brendiranja poslodavca za privlačenje talenata When the competition for a particular job is high, posting, “I offer a job [nudim posao]” is not enough. The best employers in Croatia [Najbolji poslodavci u Hrvatskoj] and the global market are discovering the difference between employer branding as they seek to increase talent attraction. Unlike […]

hitno tražim radnike: Savjeti za zapošljavanje

hitno tražim radnike : Savjeti za HR menadžere u Hrvatskoj

hitno tražim radnike? Praktični savjeti za HR menadžere u Hrvatskoj As already mentioned, the job market is constantly evolving and becoming even more competitive, so Croatian HR leaders are fully aware of the challenges they encounter in their everyday work. If you find yourself saying, for instance, “I am urgently looking for workers” [hitno tražim […]

posao vinkovci

Posao Vinkovci : Grad s uzbudljivim kadrovskim mogućnostima

Posao Vinkovci : Grad s uzbudljivim kadrovskim mogućnostima Located in central Croatia, Vinkovci is more than just a city steeped in history and culture. It is a thriving industry with exciting professional opportunities. For HR professionals including HR specialists, managers, and executives, Vinkovsi represents a fertile ground for recruitment, talent development, and personnel management with […]

zakon o radu otkazni rok ako radnik daje otkaz

zakon o radu otkazni rok ako radnik daje otkaz: što bi HR trebao znati

Zakon o radu otkazni rok ako radnik daje otkaz: što bi HR trebao znati In Croatia, HR professionals need to understand the labor law notice period if the worker resigns (zakon o radu otkazni rok ako radnik daje otkaz). Whether you are an HR professional or executive, managing resignations is a delicate process that must […]

firme koje traze radnike/Tražim građevinske radnike/

firme koje traze radnike u Hrvatskoj: Učinkovite strategije

Firme koje Traže Radnike u Hrvatskoj: Imamo kvalificirane i iskusne radnike Need Help with Staffing? We will help you Hire skilled workforce for your industry. We reduce your expenses. Simplify your document flow. Save your time in recruitment. 📞 Reach out to us Currently, many organizations in Croatia experience many difficulties in the recruitment of […]

Mlinar/ milling machine operator working

Mlinar Hrvatska: Očekivanja plaća i konkurentne plaće u 2024

Mlinar Hrvatska: Očekivanja plaća i konkurentne plaće u 2024 As the demand for skilled workers in various industries increases in Croatia, recruiters and management need to be informed about current salary expectations and competitive policies to attract better talent than any other. Mill operator or Mlinar play important role in industries such as agriculture, manufacturing, […]

agencija za zapošljavanje

BCM Group: agencija za zapošljavanje u Hrvatskoj

BCM Group: agencija za zapošljavanje u Hrvatskoj Maximizing return on investment (ROI) is a key goal for businesses across all industries. Many companies in Croatia have turned to employment agencies [agencije za zapošljavanje] to streamline their recruitment process, reduce costs, and improve efficiency, whether you are an HR manager, CEO, or recruiter, working with an agency […]

Radna dozvola

Postupak izdavanja radnih dozvola za strane radnike u Hrvatskoj

Postupak izdavanja radnih dozvola za strane radnike u Hrvatskoj Croatian companies expand their search for skillful workers outside Croatia to secure necessary positions. The comprehension of Croatia’s work permit [radna dozvola] protocols has become critical for businesses to handle their employees during tightening labor conditions. This document outlines every step involved in the hiring process […]

burza rada

Croatia Labor Market [burza rada]: Partnerships with International Recruitment Agencies

Croatia Labor Market [burza rada]: Partnerships with International Recruitment Agencies State of Croatia’s Labor Market [burza rada] Croatia’s Labor Market [burza rada] has seen significant changes in recent years, influenced by both domestic factors and global trends. With a population of around 3.9 million, Croatia faces challenges such as an aging workforce, emigration [emigracije], and […]