Zakon o radu otkazni rok ako radnik daje otkaz: što bi HR trebao znati

zakon o radu otkazni rok ako radnik daje otkaz

In Croatia, HR professionals need to understand the labor law notice period if the worker resigns (zakon o radu otkazni rok ako radnik daje otkaz). Whether you are an HR professional or executive, managing resignations is a delicate process that must be balanced with legal requirements to ensure organizational stability, It is essential for HR professionals, that if the change is to be made it goes well for the employees and the organization.

Studying this topic will allow you to:

Familiarize yourself with Croatian labor laws and the specific notice period for an employee’s resignation. Let’s dive into what you need to know about termination, the role of notice periods, and how to best manage this change.

Understanding Croatia’s Labor Law on Notice Periods

Under Croatian labor law, the notice period is the period between an employee’s termination and his/her last working day. Employees are given opportunities to complete their responsibilities.

Key Elements of the Labor Law Notice Period if the Worker Resigns
(zakon o radu otkazni rok ako radnik daje otkaz)

Length of the Notice Period:

The length of the notice period largely depends on the applicable employment contract and collective bargaining agreement. Croatian labor law generally stipulates a notice period ranging from two weeks to three months, depending on the employee’s length of employment. For employees with less than a year of service, the notice period is generally two weeks. For employees who have served more than one year, the notice period is extended and is generally one month. Senior positions or long-term employees may require up to three months' notice. HR professionals need to review individual contracts and employee contracts, as they may specify different terms.

Legal Requirement:

Croatian law requires the notice period to be specified in the employee’s contract and the Employment Law (Zakon o radu) must be observed. When an employee files a termination letter, the employer is legally obligated to comply with the specified notice period unless both parties agree to shorten or extend it.

The employee who resigns:

When an employee resigns, the employee is expected to submit written information. This waiver must include a scheduled last business day based on a reasonable notice period. Failure to observe reasonable notice periods in Croatia can have legal consequences, such as employees having to be compensated if they leave without the necessary notice.

Impact on Human Resource Structure:

Labor Law Notice Period if the Worker Resigns (zakon o radu otkazni rok ako radnik daje otkaz) creates imapct on Managing notice period time for HR is important in employment planning. It provides a window to begin the hiring process, reassign tasks, and minimize interruptions. HR professionals must be ready to act quickly once the resignation letter is submitted to minimize performance gaps.

Reducing the notice period:

In some cases, HR and the resigning employee may agree to a reduced notice period or even a suspension. This usually happens when the employee gets a new job that requires an early joining. In such cases, both parties must agree to these changes, and they must be in writing.

Rights of employees during the notice period:

During the notice period, the employee is still legally entitled to all his entitlements. This includes wages, benefits, and other contractual rights. However, some employers may choose to put employees on garden leave—when employees are removed from their jobs but remain on the payroll.

Resignation in bad faith:

If an employee quits in bad faith, such as leaving suddenly without notifying them, HR needs to know what legal loopholes are available. Croatian labor law allows employers to seek compensation for any injury sustained by an employee without satisfying the full notice period. HR professionals should ensure that appropriate documentation and contracts are in place to deal with such situations.

Best Practices for Managing Resignations

Maintain Clear Communication:

Once the termination letter is received, HR must clearly communicate with employees and management. Clear timelines and expectations will help ensure a smooth transition and minimize disruption to the business.

Exit Interview:

Conducting exit interviews within the notice period can provide valuable information on workplace conditions and any reasons for turnover. This can help improve HR strategies and retention efforts moving forward.

Succession Plan:

HR teams need to have a robust succession plan when a key employee leaves the company. By identifying potential candidates for promotion or readiness for external hiring, HR can ensure retention within the company


The entire termination process must be in writing from the time of the notice to the end of the employee’s services. This protects the organization in the event of a legal conflict and ensures compliance with Croatian labor laws.

Directing the timing of the labor law notice period if the worker resigns (zakon o radu otkazni rok ako radnik daje otkaz) is the primary responsibility of HR professionals in Croatia. By understanding the legal framework, maintaining compliance, and implementing best practices, HR departments can effectively manage terminations and minimize the impact on the organization Whether it is dealing with the resignation of an employee or when notice period issues are being considered, preparation is essential to a smooth transition.