nedostatak radnika

Zašto hrvatske tvrtke imaju problema s pronalaskom radnika i kako to riješiti

Zašto hrvatske tvrtke imaju problema s pronalaskom radnika i kako to riješiti The Croatian economy faces an acute shortage of workers [nedostatak radnika] that especially affects the construction industry in Croatia [građevinska industrija u hrvatskoj] together with food manufacturing facilities and hospitality [ugostiteljstvo]. The shortage creates major barriers for both organizations and national economic development. […]

Ugovor o radu na određeno ili neodređeno vrijeme u Hrvatskoj

Ugovor o radu na određeno ili neodređeno vrijeme u Hrvatskoj

Ugovor o radu na određeno ili neodređeno vrijeme u Hrvatskoj The Croatian dynamic labor market [tržište rada] depends on employment contracts [ugovori o radu] to establish a well-regulated workplace environment. Businesses need to select the appropriate employment contract type between fixed-term employment contract [ugovor o radu na određeno vrijeme] and permanent employment contract [ugovor o […]

Strani radnici u Hrvatskoj: Ugostiteljstvo

Strani radnici u Hrvatskoj: Ugostiteljstvo

Strani radnici u Hrvatskoj: Ugostiteljstvo Croatia is a central player in Europe’s hospitality Industry [ugostiteljstvo] due to the country’s vibrant tourism sector. The hospitality sector is reaping the benefits, with more than 20 million annual visitors demanding skilled workers. For waiters, chefs, and other hotel staff, foreign workers have become necessary to fill labor gaps, […]

sistematizacija radnih mjesta u zdravstvu

Sistematizacija radnih mjesta u zdravstvu: prednosti i primjeri dobre prakse

sistematizacija radnih mjesta u zdravstvu: prednosti i primjeri dobre prakse Any nation’s strength starts from the healthcare sector, and Croatia is no different. The healthcare industry must ensure efficient workforce management to provide high-quality patient care. One way to get there is through the systemization of jobs in healthcare [sistematizacija radnih mjesta u zdravstvu]. It […]

strani radnici u Hrvatskoj

Strani radnici u Hrvatskoj: rješenje za nedostatak vještina

Strani radnici u Hrvatskoj: rješenje za nedostatak vještina Croatia, a rapidly growing hub in Europe, faces a critical challenge: In such industries as manufacturing, construction, hospitality, and automobiles, we’re seeing skill shortages. The growing need for this specialization calls for the development of new methods to support this growth. It is in the employment of […]

Zavod za zapošljavanje

Zavod za zapošljavanje u Hrvatskoj: učinkovito zapošljavanje

Hrvatski zavod za zapošljavanje: Vaš partner za racionalizaciju zapošljavanja Need Help with Staffing? We will help you Hire skilled workforce for your industry. We reduce your expenses. Simplify your document flow. Save your time in recruitment. Contact The Employment Office [zavod za zapošljavanje] which used to be called the Croatian Employment Service Central Office [hrvatski […]

Prosječna plaća u Hrvatskoj- Average salary In Croatia

Prosječna plaća u Hrvatskoj: Uvidi za regrute kako poboljšati zapošljavanje

Prosječna plaća u Hrvatskoj: Uvidi za regrute kako poboljšati zapošljavanje Need Help with Staffing? We will help you Hire skilled workforce for your industry. We reduce your expenses. Simplify your document flow. Save your time in recruitment. Contact Where global organizations are looking for talent in various locations, talent acquisition teams will need to find […]

pravilnik o radu

Pravilnik o radu: bitna ažuriranja za hrvatskog stručnjaka za ljudske resurse

Pravilnik o radu: bitna ažuriranja za hrvatskog stručnjaka za ljudske resurse Recently, the general environment of work regulations [Pravilnik o radu] has gone through some changes in Croatia, meaning that this is an area HR professionals and organizational leaders need to be informed about. All these updates are compulsory to know for the HR recruiters, […]

Sezonski poslovi- Seasonal Jobs in Croatia

Sezonski poslovi u Hrvatskoj: Zaposlite vrhunske talente za kratkoročne potrebe

Sezonski Poslovi u Hrvatskoj: Prilike i Savjeti za Poslodavce Thanks to the service economy due to growing tourism, as well as other sectors such as seasonal agriculture and hospitality, the demand for qualified workers is particularly high during the busy season. The challenge for a company’s HR teams and hiring managers is to identify quality […]

hrvatski zavod za zapošljavanje

Prednosti i izazovi hrvatski zavod za zapošljavanje

Hrvatski zavod za zapošljavanje: Vodič za poslodavce i tražitelje zaposlenja Croatian Employment Service [hrvatski zavod za zapošljavanje] has an important position in the labor market [burza rada] in Croatia by providing the link between employers and employees, training services, and other services for promoting employment. For hiring managers, recruiters, and leaders across industries it is […]