Strani radnici u Hrvatskoj: rješenje za nedostatak vještina

strani radnici u Hrvatskoj

Croatia, a rapidly growing hub in Europe, faces a critical challenge: In such industries as manufacturing, construction, hospitality, and automobiles, we’re seeing skill shortages. The growing need for this specialization calls for the development of new methods to support this growth. It is in the employment of foreign workers in Croatia [strani radnici u Hrvatskoj].

Understanding the Workforce Gap [Razumijevanje jaza radne snage]:

Recently, in particular, the number of foreign workers in Croatia [broj stranih radnika u hrvatskoj] has risen, with the need for skilled labor exceeding the capacity of the local workforce. In sectors such as construction and hospitality, businesses are struggling to fill what are key positions.
The Croatian government responded to this by easing residence and work permit policies and by allowing the employment of third-country nationals [zapošljavanje državljanina treće zemlje] to fill this gap. Companies enjoy the benefit of access to a global talent pool as well as the benefit to the country’s economic development.

Need Help with Staffing?

We will help you in employment of foreign workers [zapošljavanje stranih radnika] for your industry. We reduce your expenses. Simplify your documentation process. Save your time in recruitment.


Our Current Skilled Workforce

TIG Welder [TIG zavarivač]

MIG Welder [MIG zavarivač]

ARC Welder [ARC zavarivač]

Fitter [Monter]

Pipe Fitter [Polagač cijevi]

CNC operator [CNC operater]

Technician [Tehničar]

Electronics Technician [tehničar za elektroniku​]

Construction Technician [građevinski tehničar]

Carpenter [stolar]

Painter [Slikar]

Spray Painter [Slikar sprejom]

Plumber [Vodoinstalater]

PLC Programmer [PLC programer]

Industrial Engineer [Industrijski inženjer]

Unskilled Worker [Nekvalificirani radnik]

Air conditioning installer [monter klima uređaja]

Mechanical assembly fitter [monter strojarske montaže]

Drywall Installer [monter suhe gradnje]

Electrician [električar]

Mason [Zidar]

Mechanic [Mehaničar]

Waiter [Konobar]

Chef [Kuhar]

Mill Operator [Mlinar]

Furniture fitter [Monter namještaja]

Warehouse Worker [Skladištar]

Construction machinery operator [Rukovatelj građevinskim strojevima]

Driver [Vozač ]

Refrigeration mechanic [Frigomehaničar]

Forklift driver [Vozač viličara]

Machinist [Strojar]

Truck driver [Vozač kamiona]

HVAC Installation Manager [Voditelj HVAC instalacija]

Locksmith [Bravar]

CNC lathe operator [CNC tokar]

Auxiliary worker [pomoćni radnik]

Industrial mechanic [Industrijski mehaničar]

Crane operator [dizaličar]

All of our candidates bring 5 to 15+ years of robust experience in their respective fields. They possess all necessary qualifications and documentation, including a passport, work permit, and visa, fully enabling them to work in Croatia. If you are a company looking for workers [firme koje traze radnike], look no further— contact us today. We are ready to assist you in streamlining your workforce needs and driving your organization’s growth in this competitive market.

Indian Skilled Manpower and its Role [Indijska kvalificirana radna snaga i njezina uloga]:

Indian workers are increasingly a valuable resource to Croatia’s businesses due to the diversity of their skills and professionalism. We are BCM Group a leading agency for the employment of foreign workers [agencija za zapošljavanje stranih radnika] that specializes in the placement of skilled Indian manpower with Croatian employers, and we offer a fast and smooth recruitment process. Our services include securing work permits for foreigners [radna dozvola za strance] and managing documentation for residence and work permits [dozvole za boravak i rad] for the unique needs of Croatian industries from initial candidate selection through to that work permit.

Few benefits of hiring foreign workers [Nekoliko prednosti zapošljavanja stranih radnika]:

Addressing Skill Shortages [Rješavanje nedostatka vještina]

Bringing foreign workers to Croatia [strani radnici u Hrvatskoj] allows industries to fill available and often scarce skill gaps, and thus complete projects on time and maintain high quality standards.

Cost-Effective Recruitment [Isplativo zapošljavanje]

International hiring can lower long-term costs by hiring experienced staff that require little or no training.

Diverse Perspectives [Različite perspektive]

Bringing foreign workers [strani radnici] helps create business growth and fosters creativity.

Compliance and Efficiency [Sukladnost i učinkovitost}

With our consultancy we are guaranteeing that all processes are in line with Croatian labor laws, making the employment of third-country nationals [zapošljavanje državljanina treće zemlje] easier for our clients.

Croatian Labor Policies Navigated

But Croatia has been making work permits for foreigners [radne dozvole za strance] easier. Instead, a market test system has replaced the quota system for foreign employment, simplifying recruitment. The result is that businesses have explored global talent to fill workforce needs.

The statistics of over 82,000 permits given to third-country nationals in 2023 testify to the fact that foreign workers [strani radnici] are increasingly being mobilized to maintain economic growth. These numbers are a result of the growing reliance on worldwide collaboration to solve local problems.

Why Choose Us?

Being an agency for employment of foreign workers [agencija za zapošljavanje stranih radnika] with extensive experience in the recruitment of skilled professionals from India, we BCM Group offer end-to-end solutions for employment of foreign workers [zapošljavanje stranih radnika]. We specialize in helping our clients to get a residence and work permit [dozvole za boravak i rad] without hassles and with expertise in handling all of the Croatian labor laws. Whether it’s hiring for large-scale construction projects or niche roles in hospitality, we have the right services to guarantee success.

Croatia's Future of Employment

With the increase of industries in Croatia, we will need more skilled people. Croatian companies need to adopt the advantages of hiring foreign workers [zapošljavanje stranih radnika] and earn a competitive advantage while creating a dynamic and diverse workforce.

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