salariu minim pe economie

Cum afectează salariul minim pe economie planificarea forței de muncă

Cum afectează salariul minim pe economie planificarea forței de muncă Workforce planning is an important task for every HR professional, ensuring an organization has the right number of employees with the right skills at the right time. One of the most important factors affecting labor productivity [productivitatea muncii] is the minimum wage in the economy […]

cultura organizationala

cultura organizationala: rolul managerului de resurse umane

Cultura organizationala: rolul managerului de resurse umane Organizational culture [cultura organizationala] is one of the crucial determinants that outlines the prospects of organizational functioning and performance. In its broadest sense, it refers to the set of assumptions held by an organization that determines its behavior and the behavior of its members in the workplace. In […]

protectia muncii

Protecția muncii: importanța drepturilor angajaților

Protecția muncii: importanța drepturilor angajaților In today’s rapid globalization, labor protection [protectia muncii] is a very important part of employee safety, health, and rights in the working environment. To encourage better job security and productivity, as HR professionals, we must know and follow the labor protection [protectia muncii] rules persuasively. In matters of safety and […]

Installator (Plumber)

Recruitment Challenges for Hiring Instalator (Plumbers) in Romania

Recruitment Challenges for Hiring Instalator in Romania Finding a qualified instalator sanitare (fitter/plumber) in Romania presents unique challenges for HR professionals. The need for the right technical skills and culture, especially in multinational teams, makes recruitment more difficult. This guide aims to address key barriers and provide strategies to overcome them, with a particular focus […]

Codul muncii

Codul muncii și relațiile cu angajații: ghi pentru generalist HR

Codul muncii și relațiile cu angajații: ghi pentru generalist HR codul muncii plays a central role in employee relations within the borders of Romania, codifying rights and duties. It is a complex legal world, and as a Generalist HR it is crucial to understand it since the law is to be complied with, relations cherished […]

Muncitori Străini: planificarea forței de muncă în 2024

Muncitori străini: planificarea forței de muncă pentru 2024 In 2024, several industries in Romania, particularly in construction, manufacturing, and hospitality, are experiencing a crisis when it comes to hiring specialized people. For most employers, To sustain long-term economic growth, progressive adoption of muncitori străini (Foreign workers) Is there. And more importantly, how do firms recruit […]

Dulgher/carpenter working

Hiring a Dulgher: A Guide for HR Professionals in Romania 

Angajarea unui tâmplar în România: Ghid practic pentru HR Carpenter also known as “Dulgher” or “dulgherul” in Romania performs an essential role within Romania, especially in the construction industry where quality work and a dedicated workforce can influence the outcome of projects significantly. As for human resources managers, a necessary dulgher is not only needed […]

muncitor necalificat Working in construction

Legal Framework for Hiring Unskilled Worker [muncitori necalificat] in Romania

Legal Framework for Hiring Unskilled Worker [muncitor necalificat] in Romania The job market in Romania is changing a lot, with more and more companies looking for workers without special skills. As businesses in the country grow, we need more people than we can find so they’re starting to hire from other countries. This is true […]

Bucătar străin: Creșterea cererii în România, talentul indian în frunte​

Bucătar străin: Creșterea cererii în România, talentul indian în frunte​

Indian Bucătar Talent: Conducând Industria Ospitalității din România Romania’s hospitality [ospitalitate] sector is experiencing a transformative change due to an increased demand for experienced bucătar. The culinary scene in cities like Bucharest has flourished with the country’s diverse and expanding population calling for experts in skills. Nevertheless, the increasing desire has exposed a marked labor […]

Why Romanian Industries Should Hire Skilled Operator CNC from India

Beneficiile angajării unui operator CNC cu experiență din străinătate The Operator CNC Advantage Today more than ever the need for Operator CNC skilled professionals is greater than ever. If you need to hire an Operator CNC, hiring an experienced person will provide you with better precision, efficiency, and productivity. But if you’re a recruiter, HR […]