Felmondási idő 2024 Szabályok: Ezt mindenképp tudnod kell

Felmondási idő szabályai 2024-ben: Ezt mindenképp tudnod kell

In the world of work, resignation is always a delicate issue. How a resignation happens and the rules governing it are crucial for both employers and employees. Let’s explore the important details about the Felmondási idő 2024 (notice period) in Hungary in 2024 based on the regulations in effect.

What is the Felmondási idő 2024 (Notice Period)?

felmondási idő is the period between the notice of termination and the actual termination of the employment relationship. This period is important because it allows the employer and employee to adequately prepare for the termination of employment and complete the necessary assignment work.

Felmondási idő 2024 Length

The length of felmondási idő is defined by the Hungarian Employment Law (Munka Törvénykönyve-MT) and depends largely on the length of the employment relationship. Here are the key details:

  • Basic notice period: The general felmondási idő is 30 days, applicable to all employees, regardless of how long they’ve been employed.
  • Extended notice period: Depending on the length of service, the notice period can be extended as follows:
Felmondási idő szabályai 2024-ben: Ezt mindenképp tudnod kell

How Felmondási Idő Works in Different Types of Termination

1) Employer-initiated termination:  A notice period must be given when termination is initiated by the employer. arsenic pine arsenic the employee clay obligated to be unless the employer excludes them. The employer can also provide part of the notice period (up to half) as paid leave for job searching.

Felmondási idő szabályai 2024-ben: Ezt mindenképp tudnod kell

2) Employee-initiated termination (munkavállalói felmondás): If the employee decides to resign, the felmondási idő also binds them. However, in this case, the employee cannot be released from the notice period unless by agreement with the employer.

Felmondási idő szabályai 2024-ben: Ezt mindenképp tudnod kell

3) Immediate termination (azonnali hatályú felmondás): In case of immediate termination of employment, there is no notice period, ie. the employment relationship ends immediately. However, strict conditions apply: serious misconduct by the employer or behavior by the employee that makes the continuation of employment impossible.

Felmondási idő szabályai 2024-ben: Ezt mindenképp tudnod kell

Pay and Benefits During the Felmondási Idő

In felmondási idő the employee is entitled to the same wages and benefits as during the regular working period.The employer must ensure that the employee receives all entitlements before the end of the reporting period including compensation for unused vacation days.

When Can Employment Be Terminated Without a Notice Period?

In certain cases, both the employer and employee may terminate the employment relationship without a Felmondási idő 2024

Examples include:

  • Serious misconduct or abuse.
  • The employee’s health condition that prevents them from working, and the employer does not provide appropriate working conditions.

Felmondási Idő in Collective Agreements

It’s essential to note that collective agreements may establish different notice periods. It’s worth reviewing if there is a collective agreement at your workplace that may include alternative rules regarding the Felmondási idő 2024.


The Felmondási idő 2024 rules in Hungary in 2024 are largely similar to previous years’ regulations. However, it’s crucial to stay up to date with potential changes in the Labour Code. Whether you are an employer or an employee, it’s essential to understand the length of the felmondási idő and the associated legal obligations to avoid legal disputes.

If you have any questions about resignation or labor law, always consult a labor law expert (munkaügyi jogász) who can guide you through the rules.