Looking for Jobs in Europe?

Looking to Hire Skilled Workers?

Imate li nešto na umu što biste htjeli pitati?

Samo nam pošaljite e-poštu na info@bcmgroup.in

Who are we

Where Dreams Turns Into Reality!

We are a recruitment firm providing manpower services since 2009. We are highly appreciated for our contribution towards requirements in almost every position from junior to managerial level in both IT and Non-IT sectors.We are currently working for our clients in Romania, Hungary, Croatia, Serbia, Finland, Sweden providing them with Indian workers, fulfilling their requirements for Welders, Fitters, CNC Operators / Programmers, General Workers, Assembly Workers, Unskilled Labor, Construction Workers, etc. Our competitors consider us as experts when it comes to abroad job consultancy in Pune and the rest of India.

Some of our other accomplishments include:
BCM Group- Abroad Job Consultancy [agencija za zapošljavanje]
Minister of external Affairs India Certificate of BCM Group abroad/foreign job consultancy
Ministry of External Affairs

Naše usluge

Zakazivanje intervjua

Procesom se učinkovito upravlja, što tvrtki omogućuje izbjegavanje nepotrebne razmjene e-pošte.

Provjera kandidata

Ovaj korak u intervjuu provjerava kandidatovo obrazovanje, iskustvo, osobnu i medicinsku povijest.


Ugovor je neophodan kako bi obje strane potvrdile i prihvatile navedene uvjete i odredbe.

Osiguranje i obrada viza

Pomažemo podnositeljima zahtjeva ispuniti podatke i dokumente svih podaci potrebni za obradu vize.

Proces uključivanja

Pomažemo novim zaposlenicima da se učinkovito orijentiraju i integriraju u organizaciju. Ovaj postupak pomaže u osiguravanju glatkog prijelaza.

Usluga Post Odlazak

Osobno brinemo o našim kandidatima i upućujemo ih što da rade, kamo da idu i s kim da se posavjetuju.

Creating Impact as the best abroad job consultancy in India for abroad jobs

agentie de recrutare
15 Years

Considered as the best Global Job Consultancy in Pune for abroad jobs because of our years of experience

firma de recrutare
20K+ Careers

As an Overseas Job Consultants, our specialized recruitment teams have successfully built 20K+ careers worldwide

agentie recrutare
7K+ Clients

7K+ Clients served across the globe. Bringing continuous innovations for the clients

7+ Countries

We offer dependable and competent Indian labor in more than seven EU nations to maintain the smooth operation of your company

Our Blogs

Candidates travelled abroad happily

our webstories
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