Harmadik Országbeli Állampolgár Foglalkoztatása Jogszabály 2025 | Teljes útmutató

Harmadik Országbeli Állampolgár Foglalkoztatása Jogszabály 2025 Teljes útmutató

The employment of harmadik országbeli állampolgár foglalkoztatása jogszabály (third-country nationals employment law) in Hungary is becoming increasingly common due to global labor market changes. However, strict legal regulations must be followed by both employers and employees. This article provides a comprehensive guide on the legal requirements in 2025, the process of obtaining a munkavállalási engedély (work permit), and answers to frequently asked questions regarding külföldi állampolgár foglalkoztatásának bejelentése (notification of foreign employment).

Foglalkoztatási Feltételek

There are several conditions that must be met for hiring a harmadik országbeli munkavállaló (third-country worker):

  • Possession of a valid work permit: Employers cannot hire a third-country national unless no suitable EGT állampolgár (EEA citizen) or Hungarian citizen is available for the job.
  • Mandatory elements of the employment contract: The contract must specify the job title, salary, working hours, and workplace, ensuring compliance with Hungarian labor laws.
  • Adherence to Hungarian legal regulations: Employers must follow Hungarian and EU labor laws regarding minimum wage, working hours, and occupational safety.

Munkavállalási Engedély Kérelmezési Folyamat

The process of obtaining a munkavállalási engedély in 2025 consists of several steps:

1. Szükséges Dokumentumok Összegyűjtése

Employers must submit the following:

  • Signed employment contract
  • Copy of passport
  • Address card
  • Health insurance certificate
  • Labor market report (proving that no suitable Hungarian or EGT állampolgár is available for the job)
  • Reference to 445 2013 XI 28 Korm Rendelet, which outlines regulations for foreign employment

2. Kérelem Benyújtása

Applications must be submitted to the local government office. In 2025, the process is fully digitized, enabling online submissions.

3. Hivatalos Felülvizsgálat

Authorities review the application and decide on issuing the permit. Processing usually takes 30 days but may be extended if additional documents are required.

4. Engedély Kiállítása

Upon approval, the work permit is issued, allowing the employee to begin working. Typically, permits are valid for one year with the possibility of extension.

Jogi Változások 2025-Ben

Significant legal changes in 2025 impact külföldi munkavállalási engedély feltételei (conditions for foreign work permits):

  • Stricter work permit conditions: Jobs with an unemployment rate above 10% among Hungarian citizens are restricted.
  • Mandatory health insurance certificate: Employers must ensure workers have valid health coverage.
  • Digitalization of applications: Work permit submissions and tracking are now entirely online.
  • Regulations align with the FLT törvény (Hungarian Employment Act)

Munkaerőt keres Magyarországon?

A BCM Group a magyarországi indiai szakemberek számára kínál álláshelyeket. Akár munkahelyi illeszkedésben, dokumentációs ügyekben vagy vízumezésben van szüksége segítségre, csapatunk biztosítja a zökkenőmentes átmenetet. Vegye fel velünk a kapcsolatot még ma, hogy felfedezhessük az Ön számára elérhető lehetőségeket!

Gyakran Ismételt Kérdések (FAQs)

A valid munkavállalási engedély magyaroknak (work permit for foreigners in Hungary), legally binding employment contract, and compliance with Hungarian labor laws. Additionally, no suitable Hungarian or EGT állampolgár should be available for the job.

Applications must be submitted online via the local government office. More details at Government Employment Portal.

A signed employment contract, passport copy, address card, health insurance certificate, labor market report, and submission of the bejelentés engedélymentes foglalkoztatásról nyomtatvány (notification form for permit-free employment).

The standard processing time is 30 days, subject to extensions if additional documents are required.

Dokumentumok és Űrlapok

To apply for a munkavállalási célú tartózkodási engedély (residence permit for employment purposes), the following documents are required:

  • Signed employment contract
  • Copy of passport
  • Address card
  • Health insurance certificate
  • Labor market report

Esettanulmányok és Példák

A Hungarian IT company successfully employed külföldi munkavállalók Magyarországon (foreign workers in Hungary) in 2025. The employer submitted all required documents on time, and authorities processed the application quickly. The company now benefits from a skilled workforce of more than 10 third-country professionals.

Kapcsolódó Jogi Források

For more legal details, visit net.jogtar.hu for updated regulations. Explore additional resources at Hungarian Government Portal and Immigration Office.


Employing harmadik országbeli állampolgár foglalkoztatása in 2025 requires compliance with strict legal requirements. If you need assistance with munkavállalás célú tartózkodási engedély (residence permits for employment purposes) or work permit applications, feel free to contact us. For further details, refer to National Employment Service.